The Little Art-Venture Club (4 - 6yrs)
The Little Art-venture Club is a fantastic introduction to the world of art. Your child will learn new skills on a week-to-week basis in an interactive and hugely entertaining environment, whilst gaining more confidence in the vocabulary they use to describe what they see and feel.
You can purchase an ‘Art-venture sketchbook’ in which all the work your child produces over the course is collected together: this serves as a wonderful record of their progress and a real source of celebration. These are available from your Tutor for £5.

16.15 - 17.30
28th April - 21st July (11 weeks, £143)
Tutor: Sue Harris
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16.00 - 17.15
23rd April - 16th July (12 weeks, £156)
Tutor: Sue Harris & Lilly Walker
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16.00 - 17.15
25th April - 18th July (9 weeks, £117)
Tutor: Sue Harris
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13.15 - 14.30
27th April - 20th July (8 weeks, £104) *Please note that there will be no Sunday classes on Sunday 4th May due to an art exam taking place in the studio.
Tutor: Fiona Berry
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