Keeping you Covid-Secure at The Conservatoire

Following the Government’s easing of lockdown, we have reviewed our own Risk Assessment in line with current government guidance.
COVID Risk Assessment February 2022
Our first priority is to keep our staff, tutors and students safe. We have reviewed our risk assessment to identify all the measures needed to ensure we satisfy the required social distancing and other mitigation measures necessary to stop the virus from spreading.
The Building
- There are hand sanitisers at entry and exit points and in every room (or provide your own), extra cleaning of touch points and instruments, good ventilation from open windows and doors, and distance marking in communal areas.
- We would like to minimise the number of non- students in the building and ask that you do not wait for long periods of time in the communal areas. If you do need to wait, please use the Creativity Garden or passageway between the Conservatoire and the Blackheath Halls.
- Extra bicycle storage is available in the Creativity Garden.
- Please wear a mask in communal areas.
Classes and Lessons
- We have been measuring our teaching rooms and moved classes into larger rooms to allow more space between students and teachers and, in cases where this is not possible, reducing class sizes. We have also considered the safest ways of sitting to ensure classes remain sociable but we reduce any potential droplet transfer.
- Any unnecessary clutter and furniture has been removed to ensure the maximum space is available.
- To reduce any possible spread of germs, only tutors will open doors.
- We have redesigned the curriculum so that our students get just as much out of the programme as before! This may mean we have altered some instruments included in the programme, or that we adapt props. More details can be found alongside the affected classes and will be further elaborated upon when booking.
- We are operating a cleaning regime, where all shared instruments are cleaned between classes and lessons.
How you can help
- Do not enter the building if you, or anyone in your family group is displaying signs of COVID-19, however mild.
- Adhere to the Government’s recommended quarantine and isolation periods where relevant and do not enter the Conservatoire.
- If you have been attending classes or lessons and later develop symptoms, please inform us at your earliest convenience.
- Practice good hand hygiene and use the sanitiser stations.
- If your child attends a class where an adult accompanies them, please can we ask that only one adult attends. Extra siblings will not be allowed into the class. We appreciate it may often not be possible, but would appreciate it, if, wherever feasible, siblings are not brought to drop-off and collection.
- Arrive as close to the start and end of lessons and classes as possible and avoid congregating in communal areas. If you need to wait, do so in the Creativity Garden or passageway.
- Wear a mask in communal areas.
- Wrap up warmer than normal. All of our windows and external doors will be open to ensure the best possible ventilation.
- Don’t forget your instruments or anything else your tutor asks you to bring (your music, pencils etc.)
- Enjoy yourselves!