Amazing exam results

We are extremely proud of the achievements of our students here at the Conservatoire and they’ve done us proud once more! We’d like to think the expert tuition we offer in our nurturing and inspiring setting helped them along the way.
In the latest round of ABRSM practical exams, our students achieved a phenomenal pass rate of 100%, with 59% of entries at merit and distinction. This compares very favourably with the most recent national average for the same board - a 48% pass rate, with 20% of those at merit of distinction.
One of these distinctions was achieved by bursary student Amanda Souza Dias Da Silva. We offer over 50 bursaries to talented and enthusiastic students who otherwise could not afford to develop their learning with us and to see Amanda progress so quickly with such talent and love for the instrument is a fulfilling validation of the scheme.
Amanda’s mother, Sandra said,
“I am incredibly proud of how far my daughter has come in such a short amount of time. It is amazing to remember when Amanda first touched and played a violin just for fun and curiosity during a local summer fair. She loved it so much that her sister gave a violin on her birthday and enrolled Amanda at the Conservatoire. She started one to one tutoring and soon was accepted as bursary student. She has been a bursary student at the Conservatoire for the last 2 years and has participated in a number of musical activities, from the summer music camps, one to one tutoring and the Play! Programme. The Conservatoire has offered her so much support to grow, learn music and perform. She has performed in seven concerts. She could have not been at a better place. All her teachers, Manuel, Verity and Elena, and the support staff, have truly supported Amanda in her music career. Verity introduced Amanda to the art of the instrument; after Manuel introduced her to the love of playing the violin and now she is in Elena’s blessed hands. She is introducing the technique, confidence, inspiration and ambitions - plus the love for classic music. It is truly remarkable that in a mere four months Amanda not only jumped a grade but achieved a distinction on her graded exam. We are all super proud and thankful!”
Her tutor, Elena Sanchez continues,
“Amanda has always been a very enthusiastic and serious student. She has shown a tremendous facility and creativity, coming with new ideas to the lessons. In less than a two years she went from grade 1 to grade 5, which we are working on now. After passing her Grade 1 exam with merit (two points away from distinction) last March, Amanda achieved a distinction in her December Grade 3 exam, showing her great commitment towards the instrument. This past month Amanda also started playing the viola, and her aim is to achieve Grade 4 in viola before summer and start preparing auditions for the National Children Orchestra next October. The support that Amanda has received during this time has been key to her development as a work-in-progress musician; without this help, this could not have been possible. As a teacher I am very proud of her achievements and I hope that the Conservatoire can continue supporting talents like her.”
Take a look at our Individual Tuition offering and search our fantastic tutors if you fancy taking up or re-learning an instrument. Most of our tutors are practicing musicians performing and recording at the highest level, who have a love for teaching and imparting both thorough musicianship skills and a love of learning and performing. Enter yourself for an exam to progress your learning or simply play for enjoyment with no associated pressure. We offer the broadest range of instruments and lessons locally so we’re sure they’ll be something on offer that appeals. We have lessons available in the daytime, evening and at the weekend and you can begin at any time throughout the year.