Bringing first class concerts to the doorsteps of local schools

Bringing top-notch musical performances to local schools
Here at the Conservatoire, we never rest on our laurels for long. We are constantly thinking ‘okay, that works….what next?!’ I am sure you will have heard about the well-publicised cuts to state education and, sadly, things like music and educational visits are often the first thing to go. A big cost to schools is travelling to events, workshops and performances, so that even if the event itself comes at no cost to the school, the cost of travel can be prohibitive. Our Friday Lunchtime Tutor Recital Series concerts are free so I contacted schools within walking distance to see if they would like to experience the best live music in London. The main point of the recitals is to show off our exceptionally accomplished tutor/performers, get top quality concerts out into the local community and give our tutors a chance to perform – they have used our recitals as ‘warm-up gigs’ for prestigious venues such as St. Martin in the Fields and St. John’s Smith Square; so not surprisingly our offer was snapped up.
Performances across SE London
We are very proud that Holy Cross Primary School have attended our St. Laurence recitals, Sedgehill Secondary School sent their GCSE music class to our Beckenham Place Park Mansion recitals and John Ball Primary school will be sending students to our next Art Studio recital, given by Kathryn Workman and Micah Rose Trespeuch, both of whom have taught in the school.
Music of all styles and periods
All the students have enjoyed a wide variety of music – from Baroque flute to contemporary music theatre and there is more to come! On Friday 29th Kathryn Workman (oboe) and Micah Rose Trespeuch (piano) will perform a mixed programme in our Art Studio; on Friday 6th December, Stavros Dritsas (piano tutor) will be performing with his piano trio (piano, violin and cello) at St. Laurence’s, Catford; on Friday 13th, Elliott Morris (guitar and voice) will play tracks from his album at Beckenham Place Park Mansion. All concerts will be followed by a Q&A session with the performers – the questions from the children (and adults!) have been quite something! They have certainly got our performers thinking!
Come along!
Look out for our 2020 recitals – details coming soon! Join the email list here
All concerts are at 1.30pm and last no more than an hour
Other venues:
St .Laurence, Catford 37 Bromley Road SE6 2TS
Beckenham Place Park Mansion Beckenham BR3 2TS
Both are easily accessible by public transport and have parking.