Little Maestros (3 & 4 yrs)

With their motor skills now developed, children continue to experiment with new instruments while musical concepts are consciously integrated. Music is now introduced in such a way as to support Phase One of the Letter and Sounds national teaching programme. Teaching is also designed to enhance and promote other areas of learning set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage national curriculum. Children will be able to copy and recognise rhythms, improvise their own musical patterns and create their first compositions. Our future musicians are now independent and confident enough to be Little Maestros… at least for 45 minutes!

In our Little Maestros classes, parents stay in the class with little ones for the first 6 weeks of term. After this time, and in discussion between the tutor and parent, the parent may drop off their child and leave the class, but this arrangement is in no way obligatory, and parents are welcome to stay throughout term.

Little Maestros 2

Monday (3 yrs)

11.30 - 12.15

28th April - 21st July (11 weeks, £126.50)

Tutor: Hilary Dolamore

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Little Maestros

Tuesday (3 yrs)

10.30 - 11.15

22nd April - 15th July (12 weeks, £138)

Tutor: Hilary Dolamore

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Little Maestros

Thursday (3 yrs)

09.30 - 10.15

24th April - 17th July (12 weeks, £138)

Tutor: Jo Barwick

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Family Music

Friday (3 yrs)

09.30 - 10.15

25th April - 18th July (12 weeks, £138)

Tutor: Jo Barwick

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Little Maestros

Friday (4 yrs)

13:15 - 14:00

25th April - 18th July (12 weeks, £138)

Tutor: Jo Barwick

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Little Maestros 2

Saturday (3 yrs)

10.00 - 10.45

26th April - 19th July (12 weeks, £138)

Tutor: Ashleigh Charlton

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Little Maestros

Saturday (4 yrs)

11.00 - 11.45

26th April - 19th July (12 weeks, £138)

Tutor: Ashleigh Charlton

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Tiny Tots 2

Sunday (3 yrs)

12.00 - 12.45

27th April - 20th July (12 weeks, £126)

Tutor: Lyle Sauer

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Junior Musicianship

Sunday (4 yrs)

13.15 - 14.00

27th April - 20th July (12 weeks, £126)

Tutor: Lyle Sauer

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