Emperor's Nightingale

Klio Blonz - flute and storytelling

The Emperor's Nightingale - A Family Concert

23 February



The Conservatoire


Adults - £9
Children - £7
Under 2's - FREE

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Sunday 23rd February, 2pm & 3.30pm
Adults – £9, children £7, under 2s free.

“Klio’s performance was magical and engaging for child and adult alike” 

Parent, Octagon Chapel  , Norwich 

An enchanting family performance, where the story of the Emperor’s Nightingale comes alive through the sounds of solo flute and captivating story telling .

A humble nightingale and its beautiful song captivates the heart of a Chinese Emperor, a friendship is born and stories from exotic countries are shared between the two friends. Unfortunately the Emperor chooses to replace his friend with an artificially made nightingale, one which sings perfectly in tune but which lacks the heart, the passion and even the imperfections of the ‘real’ one.  A beautiful story of friendship, loss and human connection,  in a world where technology has taken an important place within our existence and where often a small ‘nudge’ is needed to remind us of what truly matters.

Great classical composers such as Piazolla, Bach, Saint-Saëns, Debussy, together with composers of the 20th century such as Catharine Hoover, Neil Luckett and  Messiaen, successfully entwine with the captivating story telling, thus  exalting  young audiences’ imagination and creating a special journey of its very own.

Book through Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-emperors-nightingale-family-concert-tickets-1152053706649?aff=oddtdtcreator

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