Hearn Foundation Open Day for new Bursary students


We recently hosted a wonderful open day to welcome our new Hearn bursary students, who will be starting their creative journey with us this Autumn. One future student excitedly told us “I can’t wait until September!” Neither can we!

Flute practice

Thanks to the generosity of the Hearn Foundation, 56 children of primary and secondary school age, living in Greenwich and Lewisham, have been offered places to attend one-to-one music lessons, or drama, art and music group classes. These families face genuine financial barriers to participation, and without this funding would not be able to access this valuable creative education and outlet.

Children and young people will be joining us for individual instrument tuition, our famous Roundabout and Play! year-long instrumental training, as well as choirs, art, drama and early years classes. Hearn logo

At the Open Day, participants had a chance to meet tutors, and enjoy taster sessions, talks, tours and performances.


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